@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { isEmpty } from 'radash'
import Card from '@designer-hub/app/src/components/card.vue'
import SectionHeading from '@designer-hub/app/src/components/section-heading.vue'
-import { merchantPageHeaderBg } from '@designer-hub/assets/src/svgs'
+import { merchantPageHeaderBg, desinTopBg, rightArrowIcon } from '@designer-hub/assets/src/svgs'
const userStore = useUserStore()
const { isLogined, userInfo } = storeToRefs(userStore)
@@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ const nickNameClickHandle = async () => {
if (isLogined.value) return
uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/login/index' })
+const toInfoSeting = () => {
+ uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/mine/merchant/merchant_settings' })
onShow(async () => {
if (isLogined.value) {
- await run()
- setUserInfo({
- ...userInfo.value,
- ...data.value,
- })
+ // await run()
+ // setUserInfo({
+ // ...userInfo.value,
+ // ...data.value,
+ // })
const handleToAuthentication = () => {
@@ -39,6 +42,9 @@ const handleToAuthentication = () => {
const handleToHomepage = () => {
uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/mine/homepage/index' })
+const toorderDetail = async () => {
+ uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/mine/merchant/order_detail' })
onMounted(async () => {
// await run()
// console.log(data.value)
@@ -53,165 +59,228 @@ onPageScroll(({ scrollTop }: { scrollTop: number }) => {
- <div class="aspect-[0.96/1] absolute left-0 right-0 top--1">
- <wd-img
- width="100%"
- height="100%"
- :src="merchantPageHeaderBg"
- custom-class="vertical-bottom"
- ></wd-img>
- </div>
- <wd-navbar
- fixed
- safeAreaInsetTop
- custom-class="bg-transparent!"
- :bordered="false"
- placeholder
- v-bind="navBarProps"
- ></wd-navbar>
- <div class="p-4 flex flex-col gap-4 relative">
- <div class="flex items-center px-4 mb-4">
- <img
- class="w-14 h-14 rounded-full border border-white"
- src="https://via.placeholder.com/56x56"
- />
- <div class="mx-4 flex-1">
- <div class="text-white text-lg font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal">
- 李晓东
- </div>
- <div class="text-white text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-relaxed">
- ID:1023621
+ <template v-if="userInfo.appLoginType === 1">
+ <div class="aspect-[0.96/1] absolute left-0 right-0 top--1">
+ <wd-img
+ width="100%"
+ height="100%"
+ :src="merchantPageHeaderBg"
+ custom-class="vertical-bottom"
+ ></wd-img>
+ </div>
+ <wd-navbar
+ fixed
+ safeAreaInsetTop
+ custom-class="bg-transparent!"
+ :bordered="false"
+ placeholder
+ v-bind="navBarProps"
+ ></wd-navbar>
+ <div class="p-4 flex flex-col gap-4 relative">
+ <div class="flex items-center px-4 mb-4">
+ <img
+ class="w-14 h-14 rounded-full border border-white"
+ src="https://via.placeholder.com/56x56"
+ />
+ <div class="mx-4 flex-1">
+ <div class="text-white text-lg font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal">
+ 李晓东
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-white text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-relaxed">
+ ID:1023621
+ </div>
- </div>
- <div>
- <div class="w-[29px] h-[29px] relative bg-[#ff523f]"></div>
- <div class="text-white text-[10px] font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-relaxed">
- 邀请码
+ <div>
+ <div class="w-[29px] h-[29px] relative bg-[#ff523f]"></div>
+ <div class="text-white text-[10px] font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-relaxed">
+ 邀请码
+ </div>
- </div>
- <Card>
- <SectionHeading title="本年目标" size="base"></SectionHeading>
- <div class="flex flex-col gap-2.5 mt-3">
- <template
- v-for="{ name } of [
- { name: 'Imola订单金额目标' },
- { name: '平台订单金额目标' },
- { name: '拜访次数' },
- { name: '到店次数' },
- ]"
- :key="name"
- >
- <div
- class="bg-gradient-to-r from-[#fef3ee] to-[#f0f4f9] rounded-lg flex items-center p-4 gap-6"
+ <Card>
+ <SectionHeading title="本年目标" size="base"></SectionHeading>
+ <div class="flex flex-col gap-2.5 mt-3">
+ <template
+ v-for="{ name } of [
+ { name: 'Imola订单金额目标' },
+ { name: '平台订单金额目标' },
+ { name: '拜访次数' },
+ { name: '到店次数' },
+ ]"
+ :key="name"
- <div>
- <div class="w-[45px] h-[45px] rounded-full border-4 border-[#ffe2d0] bg-red"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="flex-1">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">{{ name }}</div>
- <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 6000
+ <div
+ class="bg-gradient-to-r from-[#fef3ee] to-[#f0f4f9] rounded-lg flex items-center p-4 gap-6"
+ >
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class="w-[45px] h-[45px] rounded-full border-4 border-[#ffe2d0] bg-red"
+ ></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex-1">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">
+ {{ name }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 6000
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-black text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">万</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">差值</div>
+ <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 3000
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-[10px] font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 万
+ </div>
- <div class="text-black text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">万</div>
- <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">差值</div>
- <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 3000
+ <div class="">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">当年完成</div>
+ <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 6000
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-black text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">万</div>
- <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-[10px] font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 万
+ <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">本月</div>
+ <div class="text-[#0FC187] text-xs font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 3000
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-[#0FC187] text-[10px] font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
+ 万
+ </div>
- <div class="">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">当年完成</div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </Card>
+ <Card>
+ <SectionHeading title="设计师数据" size="base"></SectionHeading>
+ <div class="mt-3 grid grid-cols-3 gap-2.5">
+ <template
+ v-for="{ name, value } of [
+ { name: '设计师总数', value: 220 },
+ { name: '成交过', value: 220 },
+ { name: '未成交过', value: 220 },
+ { name: '消耗积分', value: 220 },
+ { name: '参加游学', value: 220 },
+ { name: '参与活动', value: 220 },
+ ]"
+ :key="name"
+ >
+ <div class="bg-[#f6f7ff] rounded-lg aspect-[1/1] flex flex-col justify-around p-2.5">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
+ {{ name }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-bold font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
+ {{ value }}
+ </div>
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 6000
+ <div class="text-black/40 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
+ 年新增
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-normal font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
+ 20
- <div class="text-black text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">万</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </Card>
+ <Card>
+ <SectionHeading title="跟进数据" size="base"></SectionHeading>
+ <div class="mt-3 grid grid-cols-3 gap-2.5">
+ <template
+ v-for="{ name, value } of [
+ { name: '累计跟进', value: 220 },
+ { name: '线下拜访', value: 220 },
+ { name: '线上跟进', value: 220 },
+ ]"
+ :key="name"
+ >
+ <div class="bg-[#f6f7ff] rounded-lg aspect-[1/1] flex flex-col justify-around p-2.5">
+ <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
+ {{ name }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-bold font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
+ {{ value }}
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC']">本月</div>
- <div class="text-[#0FC187] text-xs font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 3000
+ <div class="text-black/40 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
+ 年新增
- <div class="text-[#0FC187] text-[10px] font-medium font-['DIN'] leading-normal">
- 万
+ <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-normal font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
+ 20
- </div>
- </template>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </Card>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template v-if="userInfo.appLoginType === 2">
+ <view class="p-[16px]">
+ <div class="aspect-[1.575/1] absolute left-0 right-0 top-0">
+ <wd-img width="100%" height="100%" :src="desinTopBg" custom-class="vertical-top"></wd-img>
- </Card>
- <Card>
- <SectionHeading title="设计师数据" size="base"></SectionHeading>
- <div class="mt-3 grid grid-cols-3 gap-2.5">
- <template
- v-for="{ name, value } of [
- { name: '设计师总数', value: 220 },
- { name: '成交过', value: 220 },
- { name: '未成交过', value: 220 },
- { name: '消耗积分', value: 220 },
- { name: '参加游学', value: 220 },
- { name: '参与活动', value: 220 },
- ]"
- :key="name"
- >
- <div class="bg-[#f6f7ff] rounded-lg aspect-[1/1] flex flex-col justify-around p-2.5">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
- {{ name }}
- </div>
- <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-bold font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
- {{ value }}
- </div>
- <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/40 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
- 年新增
- </div>
- <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-normal font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
- 20
- </div>
+ <div
+ @click="toInfoSeting"
+ class="bg-white rounded-2xl shadow relative mt-[28px] py-[29px] px-[14px] flex items-center"
+ >
+ <div><img class="w-16 h-16 rounded-full" src="https://via.placeholder.com/64x64" /></div>
+ <div class="ml-[10px]">
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-[10.18px]">
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="h-6 px-1.5 py-1 bg-[#f5f6fa] rounded justify-center items-center gap-2.5 inline-flex mt-[17px]"
+ >
+ <div class="text-[#8b8b8b] text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
+ ID:1201451200
- </template>
+ </div>
- </Card>
- <Card>
- <SectionHeading title="跟进数据" size="base"></SectionHeading>
- <div class="mt-3 grid grid-cols-3 gap-2.5">
- <template
- v-for="{ name, value } of [
- { name: '累计跟进', value: 220 },
- { name: '线下拜访', value: 220 },
- { name: '线上跟进', value: 220 },
- ]"
- :key="name"
- >
- <div class="bg-[#f6f7ff] rounded-lg aspect-[1/1] flex flex-col justify-around p-2.5">
- <div class="text-black/60 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
- {{ name }}
- </div>
- <div class="text-black/90 text-lg font-bold font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
- {{ value }}
- </div>
- <div class="flex items-center gap-1">
- <div class="text-black/40 text-xs font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-none">
- 年新增
+ <div class="flex items-center mt-[20px]">
+ <div class="w-1 h-[19px] bg-[#2357e9] rounded-md"></div>
+ <div class="text-black text-lg font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal ml-[8px]">
+ 记录
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mt-[16px]">
+ <div class="bg-white rounded-2xl p-[16px] flex flex-col" @click="toorderDetail">
+ <div class="text-black/90 text-sm font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal">
+ 完成时间:2024-10-20 10:00
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex mt-[19px] items-center">
+ <div class="w-[86px] h-[86px] bg-[#f6f6f6] rounded-[10px]"></div>
+ <div class="ml-[16px]">
+ <div class="text-black text-base font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal">
+ 阿芙佳朵
- <div class="text-[#ff2d2d] text-xs font-normal font-['D-DIN Exp'] leading-normal">
- 20
+ <div
+ class="text-left text-black/30 text-sm font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal"
+ >
+ 数量x2
+ </div>
+ <div
+ class="text-left text-black/30 text-sm font-normal font-['PingFang SC'] leading-normal"
+ >
+ 600积分
- </template>
+ </div>
- </Card>
- </div>
+ </view>
+ </template>