123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137 |
- <script lang="ts" setup>
- import Card from '@/components/card.vue'
- import dayjs from 'dayjs'
- import TiltedButton from './tilted-button.vue'
- import { beforeNow } from '@/utils/date-util'
- import Tag from './tag.vue'
- const props = defineProps({
- options: {
- type: Object as PropType<{
- id: number
- headUrl?: string
- stylistId?: number
- stylistName?: string
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- circleDesc?: string
- tagName?: string
- detailsType?: string
- detailsUrl?: string
- detailsDesc?: string
- circleType?: string
- spaceType?: string
- designStyle?: string
- spaceAddr?: string
- customerDemand?: string
- createTime: number
- bannerUrls: string[]
- shareCount?: number
- upvoteCount?: number
- ownUpvote: boolean
- reviewCount: number
- }>,
- default: () => ({
- author: {
- nickname: '张三',
- avatar: 'https://img.yzcdn.cn/vant/cat.jpeg',
- },
- createTime: new Date(),
- images: [
- 'https://via.placeholder.com/104x104',
- 'https://via.placeholder.com/104x104',
- 'https://via.placeholder.com/104x104',
- ],
- content: '',
- tags: [],
- shares: 0,
- comments: 0,
- likes: 0,
- }),
- },
- })
- const imgClass = ref('')
- const toDetail = () => {
- uni.navigateTo({
- url: '/pages/home/moment/index',
- })
- }
- onMounted(async () => {
- // console.log('加载')
- if (props.options.bannerUrls.length === 1) {
- const { width, height } = await uni.getImageInfo({
- src: props.options.bannerUrls[0],
- })
- if (Number(width / height) > 1) {
- imgClass.value = 'w-[60vw]'
- } else {
- imgClass.value = 'w-[44vw]'
- }
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- })
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- <view class="overflow-hidden rounded-full mr-2">
- <wd-img
- custom-class="vertical-bottom"
- :width="35"
- :height="35"
- :src="props.options.headUrl"
- mode="scaleToFill"
- />
- </view>
- <view class="">{{ props.options.stylistName }}</view>
- <view class="flex-1"></view>
- <view>{{ beforeNow(dayjs(props.options.createTime).toDate()) }}</view>
- </view>
- <view
- :class="[
- props.options.bannerUrls.length > 1 ? 'grid grid-cols-3 grid-gap-1' : 'w-full',
- 'my-6',
- ]"
- >
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- :class="[
- props.options.bannerUrls.length > 1 ? 'aspect-square' : '',
- 'rounded-lg overflow-hidden',
- imgClass,
- ]"
- >
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- custom-class="vertical-bottom"
- :width="'100%'"
- :src="it"
- :height="props.options.bannerUrls.length > 1 ? '100%' : 'auto'"
- :mode="props.options.bannerUrls.length > 1 ? 'aspectFill' : 'widthFix'"
- ></wd-img>
- </view>
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- </view>
- <view class="text-[rgba(0,0,0,0.85)] text-4 font-400 line-height-2.5 my-1">
- {{ props.options.circleDesc }}
- </view>
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- <!-- <TiltedButton>按钮</TiltedButton> -->
- <template v-for="it of props.options.tagName?.split(',')" :key="it">
- <Tag>{{ it }}</Tag>
- </template>
- </view>
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- <wd-img width="15" height="15" src="/static/svgs/comment.svg"></wd-img>
- <view class="ml-1">{{ props.options.shareCount }}</view>
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- <wd-img width="15" height="15" src="/static/svgs/like.svg"></wd-img>
- <view class="ml-1">{{ props.options.shareCount }}</view>
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